Late Mate

Snappy inputs slap
Input delay sucks

See for yourself


How poor are they that have not patience!
What wound did ever heal but by degrees?
Thou know’st we work by wit and not by witchcraft,
And wit depends on dilatory time.

You can't fix delays that you can't measure.

With Late Mate you can.

What Late Mate is?


  • CLI tool
  • Rust crate
    In progress
  • Desktop app
    In progress


  • Prototype
  • Pre-release
    In progress
  • Release


Want to integrate latency testing into your release pipeline? Drop a message!


  • Lag: creeps in
  • Late Mate: measures
  • You: fix

But first, Late Mate will be crowdfunded. Follow on Twitter and smash the button for updates

How The Device works

  1. Simulate the input

    Late Mate device takes a testing scenario and executes it, pretending to be a keyboard and a mouse. It's polled at 1kHz, the highest polling rate available for USB<3.0 devices.

  2. [Computer work goes here]

    From USB controller to software to the kernel to the compositor, your computer works hard to change pixels on the screen.

  3. Detect the screen change

    The device looks at a patch of your screen, waiting for a brightness change. It only takes Late Mate 0.5ms to know that the computer started reacting to the input.

  4. Time the difference

    Timing is done completely on-device, so the results are precise no matter what your computer's clock does.

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